This one was a disappointment while it was being done, but today it doesn't look so bad. Nothing special, but okay. This holder was purchased many years ago, and I like it better than a wall-mounted holder. It isn't a luxury to own two toothbrushes!
For those who have a thing about where to squeeze a toothpaste tube, this tube is almost empty.
Oh No I really like this, the soft detailing is very lovely and the brush and tube are perfect!
really nice. you are so productive! everytime i visit there is loads more work! really nice too.
I've just had a lovely time going back through your sketches, Jenny. If you haven't been drawing for all those years, it's amazing!
Something has been bubbling away because these are wonderful!
I think this is fantabulous!!
The perfect 'everyday matters' drawing. Nice work.
A very pretty, feminine sketch, you've caught the pattern on the holder beautifully.
This happen to me also. One day you dont like it, and in the next...
Good drawing. Simple things.
I love this also. The details are so terrific and the soft colors are perfect.
It has tuned out nice. Reminds me of mornings :)
There’s almost a stark contrast with the ordinary items (toothbrushes and toothpaste) with the delicate flower motifs of the container. Makes it interesting.
*Jenny, are you one of those people who roll the toothpaste until everything is all squeezed out? :D
I like this Jenny...nice work on the brushes and toothpaste. I'm one of those who fret about squeezing the toothpaste from the bottom...I like a "neat" tube. ...all these little habits!
Great drawing
I really like this one, Jenny. It has a very delicate, feminine feel to it ~
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