Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another Tiny Tin Paint Box

Look at what I found on eBay! It's the center box with 18 sections to hold paint, and it's only $14.99 plus $1.50 shipping! Empty, of course. Each section holds a lot of watercolor paint.

The photo shows this Tiny Paint Box (center) next to my W&N Bijou Box (left) and an Altoid's tin (right) with 14 half pans. The Tiny Paint Box and the Altoid's tin are the same height, but the wells are full depth in the Tiny Paint Box. The half pans in the Altoid's tin only come up half way.

I'm considering using Krylon white spray primer on the inside of the lid followed by either a coat of spray enamel or Futura floor wax.

Since MaimeriBlu watercolors are already in my Bijou Box, my Tiny Paint Box is now filled with Winsor & Newton watercolors.

The seller is C. Camp if you are interested. She currently has ten available in one listing.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

For a mixing space in my little altoids paint tin, I just cut a piece of styrofoam plate to fit in the lid.
So easy to do and it works just fine.
Why are we so attracted to tiny paint tins? Aren't they fun!?