Thursday, October 11, 2007

EDM #70 - Draw What You Fear

Shortly before midnight I stole into the hallway with my pen and Moleskine to see if I could find what was going bump in the night. Oh, my! I sketched as quickly as I could and returned to my bedroom.


Anita Davies said...

HEY...What's my husband doing in your hallway???
Great rendering of the topic.

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous! would make a great illustration for any of the many books I read to my grandchildren!!

Tara D said...

Lol, this is just great :) Fantastic imagination and great illustration :)

Teri said...

I love this, it is so free, funny and scary :) You could crop this and use it for a Halloween card.

juj said...

LOVE this! Great expressions, great line work, great balance of values and the knocked over lamp is the perfect touch.

Gabriel Campanario said...

great, great, great, love the composition, the perspective, the line work, what an excellent drawing, reminds me of Edward Gorey's work

platitudinal said...

Jenny, I would never ever walk in your hallway.

You are such a brave soul. Now, tell me, did the fear heighten your artistic ability? It's definitely creepiliciously bootiful ;)

Brian said...

Oh, these are nothing. You should look UNDER THE BED... ;-)

Great sketch though!

Karen Sandstrom said...

Very, very fun.

Anonymous said...

Did you really see all this in the hallway? What an interesting house you have! Heart-stoppingly scary!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Love your journal entry. Gave me a chuckle. Your sketch is wonderful, especially since you were probably shaking with fear.