Sunday, August 5, 2007

Starting a Postcard Collection

Instead of having to quickly paint a postcard when needed, maybe painting a few to have on hand would be convenient. Previously they were done as jokes, and that's so much easier than trying to do something nice. Here's my first attempt.


Claudia said...

I like this very much; nice bird!

juj said...

Great idea - and a beautiful bird. Whoever gets this is lucky indeed!

Lin said...

WONDERFUL IDEA and beautiful bird!!! Love the stance of him!

Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

Love the cardinal....there was one outside our den window this morning three feet from the house...when i tried to get the camera to take a pci of him he flew away...too much movement...but the camera is ready...maybe he will come back

platitudinal said...

How wise to be prepared. You will prevent manic painting when you need a postcard immediately.

The bird is so handsome in his red attire, and his stand looks rather contend and a bit proud.

*(Yes, I did change the blog look. It was getting a bit redundant to me).

caseytoussaint said...

Beautiful job on this!